Friday, April 06, 2007

Kitle (for lack of anything more clever to toss up here).

First off, thank you to those who un-lurked or de-lurked or uncloaked their main war vessel or what have you and told me how you got here. I added a few extra people onto my Blogline subscriptions page. :D

I know I'm not the only one who has started turning her electric blanket back on at night, her space heater during the day, and gotten reacquainted with her knitted socks drawer. Phew, it is COLD out here. And it got cold JUST when my air conditioning in my car decided it wasn't going to work anymore. Thank heavens for Mother Nature's strange sense of humor, that's for sure.

Daisy loves it too:

(Though, these were taken before I started having to wear my wool coat and scarf outdoors again.)

Do you notice how everything is eye-searingly GREEN? The trees have that lovely green mist on them (the white blossoms have all been blown and frozen off, sadly) and everything's just joyfully full of life. And in response I cheerfully add to my stash.

I bought some Lisa Souza Wild Things:

and Mars Quake:

Then my Lime & Violet Secret Pal sent me some serious goodies:

My shrinking waistline suffered a slight blow but those are homemade cookies there and Junior Mints! If my dear secret pal were there when I opened the present, he/she would have gotten such a hug! There is a special place in my heart for people and their homemade cookies. Brownies, too. Especially the Betty Crocker boxed ones that have Fudge somewhere in the description. Mmm, sorry, I just haven't had such goodness for a while but I have lost almost 7 pounds!

Then WEBS has their ongoing anniversary sale and I bought some Cascade 220 for under $5 because who can pass up Cascade 220 on sale (pictures forthcoming when I have the package in my grubby little hands)!

Generally I have spoiled myself quite to death and should be considering my budget. Hopefully the stuff on my account sells soon.

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