Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blogs worth peeking at.

I subscribe to 95 feeds on Bloglines alone. This does not include LiveJournal or GreatestJournal (which is my Harry Potter Roleplay arena) and I have gotten to know some fascinating people.

You can see that I have linked most of them on my sidebar but I suppose you ought to know why I have subscribed to them.

The first is pretty obvious. The Pearson Family is my sister's blog. She frequently posts beautiful pictures of her children and it's my way of keeping up with her in this busy world where there is always something going on. I love my sis and I'm so very glad she keeps up this blog.

The second is a former neighbor and current friend of mine who I've mentioned before on this blog but who is worth mentioning again: unending field trip. Her pictures are exceptional, she has a real feel for lighting and she does sell prints of her work I believe.

And the third for this week is one of my very own: Losing It In Kansas. It's my weight-loss blog. One of the greatest motivators is to be blaringly public about your goals so here I am, being meekly public (who wants to be blaringly public about something embarrassing and private?...em-bare-ass...nevermind) and hoping that I can have a cheer or two as I try hard to lose weight that I've been carrying for far too long.

Mom's just reminded me to take Daisy for a walk. As I'm about the only dog-walker, she may as well be reminding me to brush my teeth. Ah well, I'd best do it now.

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