Sunday, September 24, 2006

So, it's been a week.

Here was one of my favorite parts of yesterday.

Paying homage to my ancestors, the Scots, is Tartanic! This guy was awesome and because I was so effin' perky at 10:30 am, listening to blasting pipe music, he gave me a hug. Sadly, he could not come home with me. Nor could this guy:

This was taken at the end of the Festival during the Gypsy Revelry where I barely had energy left to clap along to the music and he's bouncing all over the place with all sorts of ladies. He was so cute that I wanted to collect a hug from him, too. And take him home. I mean, look at that hair. Not every guy can get away with hair that nice! Also, it was really hard to get a picture of him because he was flying all over the courtyard with all sorts of ladies. Mmmph!

So, anyways, how's the knitting been for you guys. Pretty good? Let me tell you, over in my little tiny room, the knitting has been FLYING. Don't believe me? Take a look:

I cast that puppy on Saturday night, as in not last Saturday but the Saturday before. That's a full 7 days of crazy knitting! And I'm astonished, I tend to not be that quick with knitting. But because all I do is sit and study and my hands just don't like to sit still, I knit. And I knit like a crazy person. Phew. I'm on the front part of the neck of Rogue. I'm hoping to have it finished before Socktoberfest because then I will only concentrate on socks and I want a nice warm sweater before November.

And now onto some more fun stuff. I'm sure a lot of people have heard of the people I'm going to link, but because they are awesome and deserve a little light from this little firefly, I'll post them up here anyways. And Scout said five, so I'll try to limit it to that.

First up, A Waste Of Valuable Server Space which it most certainly is NOT. Her pictures are lovely, she's succinct and interesting and most of all, um, that is all. But seeing as how I'm an opinionated person (no really, I am) and know my own mind, I do know that this is a person well worth a peek. And I found her through person #2:

Katydid Knits. For one, I'm in love with her layout and want to figure out how she got two bars on her page because one sidebar really limits me to content and I want one devoted JUST to all the people I subscribe to on Bloglines. I just noticed her countdown ticker. Hahaha, brilliant, what a way to get the heart racing, no? Hurry hurry or your cousin's wife's aunt's dog may not get that sweatervest it never wanted! *snerk* Anyways, Katy is totally cute and fun and I always browse her extensive list of links when I get bored and want a new knitblogger to stalk. However, her list is not how I met...

Celtic Memory Yarns aka Jo who lives over in Ireland and is absolutely amazing. I met her either through her comments on Yarn Harlot's blog or maybe Scout's blog. Either way, I read a little of her archive and felt that this lady is someone I would really like to get to know. She's a craftswoman not only with yarns but with words and imagery. It's like being one step closer to my dream of visiting the Isles. She has a gentle way about her that I really enjoy and I encourage all to visit her.

Next is Chef Messy, one of the few Utah bloggers that I don't believe I ever met in person but who is just really friendly and has actually commented on my blog once or twice. She's gorgeous and she's passed it onto her boy. She also occasionally posts wonderful recipes and has lovely pictures that she posts frequently.

And last of five though hardly least, The knitty professor, a Utah knitblogger that I HAVE met and who I really do like. Not that I didn't like all the Utah knitbloggers that I met. I just figured I should point her out. She has made the most adorable little donkey jacket and I can't wait until she gets around to posting it.

Well, that was fun! I may do a spotlight on all sorts of new knitting blogs that I find. New as in, I never read them before, not new as in just-come-on-the-scene. Though that may happen.

Anyways, have an awesome week, I will be here, studying, knitting, and breathing.


  1. Well Hi, Kit!

    I just happened to find your blog after you commented on mine--for which I thank you, by the way. It helps more than you know to discover I'm not the only one who feels that way. But about this guy who looks like Johnny least in the pic he does. Wow--eye candy to be sure. And nice job on the crazy fast knitting. What's it gonna be when it grows the rest of the way?

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Awww, you are so nice! You just made my day!

    The festival looks like great fun! (I'm a Scot, too, btw!) I would have taken that guy home too. Ryan maybe would have objected, I suppose, but nevermind about that.... :)

  3. Ahhhh men in kilts...that just made my day LOL Love the color of your sweater, really pretty!

  4. Hi Kit!

    I just saw that you had linked to my blog, so I popped over to see what you had to say, and now I'm totally blushing! You are too sweet! If you seriously want to do a three-column layout, shoot me an email and I'll send you the basic template that my hubby put together.

    -Pam/Trillian42 of KatydidKnits
